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Important, But Not Fun

Kristin McNealus, DPT, MBA

Legal issues.


You don’t know half of the issues you could potentially face until you talk to a lawyer. Sorry to all the lawyers out there, but they are downers. Most offer a free consultation, so when you have some specific questions, you may wish to take advantage of this 30 minutes. Just be aware that you may feel overwhelmed afterward. It’s better to know what to be prepared for, and to know you are at least acting in line with the law.

Look at your local Small Business Association (SBA) for inexpensive classes and resources. You never know what benefit they may offer, and they do offer a great deal of free services. You could also look into SCORE, which is an organization of retired entrepreneurs who are willing to give some guidance and mentoring. Just understand that the pool is small, and you may need to be patient and persistent to find one of these gems to take you on.

These organizations have legal consultations as well. Another good professional to talk to is an accountant. Get some guidance for tax set up. I will admit that I am still fumbling my way through corporate tax paperwork every quarter, and this may be something you want to hand over. Either way, it is best to have an understanding of what needs to be done, as well as what the best payment structure is for your taxes.

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